The Coming of Knee-Hemoth is Nigh!
Be it intriguing or not, here's a thought: If the top rung of any given ladder is labeled as Not Safe, why, then, is a rung even there? Why not eliminate the temptation to push the ladder past its optimum stability point, as well as the need for a warning sticker, by abolishing the said rung of treachery? But then, the ladder manufacturer would still probably cover its ass by placing a new warning on the structure, akin to Do Not Step Into Gaping Chasm.
Now, I know some of you may be thinking me daft because I have been told before that "The top rung is for knee-resting, balance-related purposes only, you dumb." But this logic is silly. If this was the case, why would it be constructed exactly the same as all the other rungs? Shouldn't it be specifically designed for knees and contoured for comfort? Apparently not.
But not to worry friends! As you can see from the prototype, the most efficient ladder ever conceived, The Knee-Hemoth, will be available to order as soon as I acquire the materials necessary for mass-production. That, and some initiative. I mean, it's a ladder. Who gives a shit?
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